Welcome to Words@Work!

Welcome to Words@Work, the new blog by AR Communications. We’ll keep it brief because we know your time is precious. Actually, that’s what this blog is all about: our goal is to help improve our collective ability to communicate in business.

Precise, timely communication delivered via the right media and to the right people can make the difference between business success and business failure. And we’ve all lived the nightmare of ineffective communication, the long and winding e-mails, the endless voicemail messages, the meetings that put everyone to sleep. We’re here to help.

Of course, we can’t do it alone. This blog will involve you as well. We want to know what you think, what has worked for you, and what hasn’t. The Comments link below each entry isn’t just for show: we really want you to use it each and every time you visit. The fun starts now…

Your turn: Please share a brief comment on the worst e-mail message you ever received. Why was it so lousy?

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