Social media training for companies and employees

Companies and internal marketing departments are grappling with the lightning speed at which Social Media marketing is moving. Chances are prospective customers are already looking for you on LinkedIn, or for your firm on Facebook, before they visit your corporate Web site. 

This half day course will provide your employees with the basic skills necessary to ensure they use social media responsibly and profitably. This program was designed by our own social media expert, Mike Rabinovici and the internal communications experts at AR Communications team.  For more information, please visit Mike’s LinkedIn profile at, one of his presentations at or the AR Communications Web site at

What:  This half-day course offers a basic introduction to the primary elements of social media including: LinkedIn, Facebook, Social Media policies and more.  Advanced courses focusing on each individual element are also available.  It covers not only the marketing opportunities social media offers but also the very fine line separating an employee’s use of the medium for business rather than pleasure.

Why: The potential benefits of social media are enormous, as are the potential pitfalls.  Any business where both management and employees have a basic understanding of social media will be positioned to take advantage of the tremendous upside of social media networks and tools, while minimizing the downside.  A basic social media skill set is no longer a luxury, but a mission-critical necessity.

Where: In-house at your offices or online (requires Internet Access)

How long: This is a half-day course from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm with a 20 minute break halfway through

Cost: $249 online and $329 in-house (Internet Access and a PC Required) *Based on a minimum of 10 attendees per session.  Discounts are available for groups larger than 10.

Course Outline: Click Here.  To book your session, please call 416-720-5485 or email us at

Why AR Communications Inc.: Since its inception, we’ve had a front row seat to the social media revolution.  From this vantage point, we have helped companies including VMWare and IBM, develop a range of social media campaigns designed to meet their corporate goals. Thanks to this experience, we’ve seen firsthand the internal challenges these companies and their employees face in trying to adapt to a phenomenon that is moving at lightning speed.  We have developed this course in response to these challenges; as a way to help your business and employees maximize the opportunities offered by social media, while avoiding the pitfalls. To book your session, please call416-720-5485 or email us at

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