We welcome your comments, opinions, and suggestions. We even welcome occasional cheekiness. However, we don’t welcome harsh language or the use of profanity, and will remove all offending posts.

We would ask that you avoid linking to external sites for the sole purpose of promoting or advertising your products or services. If an external link is relevant, put it in, by all means. But we’d ask you to assess relevance to the topic under discussion before adding these links.

If you use signatures in your comments, please confine their length. If you’re adding a name, please use your real name – even if it’s only a first name. If you’d rather not add your name, just leave the field blank. It may just be us, but we’d rather have a blank field than discover postings from John Hancock, Johnny Depp, or John Doe.

We reserve the right to edit, delete or moderate any comments posted to this blog. Period.

Also, we don’t take kindly to spam. If spam messages are posted, we will report the IP addresses to your ISP or domain host. If necessary, we will also advise the Internet blacklists.

We reserve the right to change this comment policy, as well. To keep up with evolving rules, please check back every once in a while.