The next time you have a free moment, take your latest piece of written content and cover up your company name. Without it, can you still tell that the material is written about your company? Or could it apply to any one of your competitors?
If your writing is laden with marketing speak—overused words and phrases that are devoid of meaning—you’re going to fall into the latter category. This can occur when you overhype your company’s offerings, using terms like “cutting edge”, “finest” and (gasp!) “revolutionary”, or using differentiators that do anything but differentiate. For example, boasting a great “work/life balance”, “industry-leading expertise” or “attention to detail”. This isn’t to say these phrases are verboten. In many cases, they actually do describe your strengths. If that’s the case, though, it may be better to demonstrate how you embody these traits, rather than simply saying that you do.
Another way to make your content stand out is by uncovering what really differentiates your company from every other business on the planet, and then using words that actually mean something—delivered in appropriate content vehicles—to effectively provide the information your readers require. The key is to demonstrate your knowledge without mentioning your expertise. Show your potential customers why you’re great, don’t tell them.
One of the easiest ways to do this is by using external proof points. Sometimes it’s hard to remove your marketing hat, so why not turn to other people—via testimonials, survey data, case studies, etc.—to help you convey your company’s uniqueness?
If you don’t have third-party sources to draw from, look for ways to demonstrate how your company can help potential clients overcome their challenges. The key is to inform and educate—and avoid the hard sell.